Pronunciation rules for the vowel o
Vowels Pronunciation Example Words Example Word Pronunciation Own Example Words
o /ō/ a go /ə- ‘gō/
home /hōm/
hip·po /’hǐ-pō/
old /ōld/
/ǒ/ box /bǒks/
/ö/ horse /hors/
/ǔ/ moth·er /’mǔ-thər/
/ōō/ do /dōō/
shoe /shōō/
prove /prōōv/
/ǒo/ wolf /wǒolf/
/ǐ/ wom en /’wǐ-mən/
/ə/ cor rect /kə-‘rěkt/
ma-jor /’mā-jər/
The eight pronunciations of the vowel o can be divided into five groups for discussion: /ō/, /ǒ/ and /ö/ are the first group; /ǔ/ are the second group; /ōō/ and /ǒo/ are the third group; /ǐ/ is the fourth group; /ə/ is the fifth group.
The first group, vowels. Pronounce its long vowel /ō/, short vowel /ǒ/ and double dotted vowel /ö/.
The vowel o mainly produces its long vowel /ō/ in the following four situations: first, when it is in a stressed open syllable, as in the words a·gō, sō, and ō·pen; secondly, when When it is in an e-assisted open syllable, as in hōme; third, when it is in an unstressed open syllable, as in hip pō, ze rō, and ra di ō; fourth, in In some words, although it occurs in a closed syllable, its pronunciation can also be a long vowel /ō/, as in the single