Pronunciation rules for consonants with simple pronunciation

There are 15 consonant letters with Pronunciation rules for consonants with simple pronunciation. They are b, d, f, h, j, k, 1, m, p, q, r, v, w, x and z. They can be divided into two categories: the first category is a consonant letter whose spelling corresponds to a unique pronunciation, and there are five in total, namely j, q, r/rr, v, and z. Among them, the consonant r is sometimes double-written, but its pronunciation is still a single consonant, namely rr/r/. The second category is a spelling corresponding to a unique pronunciation and sometimes silent consonant letters, a total of seven, namely b, h, k, 1, m, p, and w. Among them, the consonant letters b, l, m, and p are sometimes double written, but their pronunciation is still a single consonant, namely bb/b/, ll/l/, mm/m/, and pp/p/; the third category is two There are three consonant letters in this pronunciation, namely d/dd, f/ff and x. Among them, d can sometimes be silent.

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